New Buzz in the New Normal Marketing World

New Buzz in the New Normal Marketing World

Companies and marketing departments had not even included Covid-19 in their plans, and yet this outbreak has been declared a pandemic only a few months later. The pandemic has all in its grip, from the WHO to individual governments, large corporations to small businesses, corporate professionals to daily wage employees. From ensuring population safety to dealing with an economy in the midst of a recession, India is in a difficult position in dealing with the crisis that Covid-19 has wrought. We are living in extraordinary times, when companies are struggling and people are being forced to work and live in isolation, only linked by technology.

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Work from home, which was once considered a luxury reserved for the wealthy, has suddenly become the standard, and communication through technology has now become the accepted norm. Amid all of this turmoil, marketing companies are trying to develop quality information that would still communicate with a consumer, diverted by the simple act of existing. The pandemic has compelled society to consider new ways of operating and functioning in the face of a new normal. In India, marketing budgets have been cut as businesses struggle to remain afloat and meaningful in the current business situation.

According to Stephen Hawkins “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”. Therefore, it is relevant to say that those companies which cannot adapt themselves according to the changing situation will not be able to survive for long. The new standard has become a way of life for many people. Almost a year after the full-fledged pandemic, a whole new way of life has emerged. The brands that stand out in these times are those that have ‘adapted to win.’ Adapting, then, does not imply making long-term changes; rather, it entails making smart and fast adjustments. Brands that are continually changing and adapting while maintaining their ‘Customer First’ role stand out. To build trust and assurance, they are ensuring aggressive marketing, virtual support, digital empowerment, and immediate gratification. In 2020, diversity will be a hot topic, and so as a company, you should make it a priority in your marketing campaigns. In the midst of a global health crisis, pace, ease, and accessibility and sensitivity are even more important, and preferably, in a situation without any face-to-face interaction.

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Companies should be prepared to communicate with customers on their terms, which include instant messages and real-time contact in today’s world. Prior to actually making a final buying decision, today’s consumers often conduct their own comparative research and cost-benefit analysis. When an individual uses a Smartphone to fulfil a need—to learn, go, do, or buy something—knowing how to leverage on these opportunities with interactive content will be critical to a more successful business strategy in 2021. Stories are a natural way for people to communicate. You provide a chance to connect with our audience on a meaningful basis when you share your brand’s story. So why not just tell a typical brand tale in 2021; go little even further to contribute to the social impact your company wish to create. There are five major patterns that are shaping how marketing is done:

  • Consumer experiences have been profoundly altered by COVID-19.
  • Companies are expecting more innovative and quicker innovation and change.
  • Purpose-driven communications, as well as the actions that go along with it, are much more important than ever before.
  • The transition to regional marketing execution has been intensified by COVID-19.
  • Accumulation and analysis of the data has become much more important in marketing.

Brand managers were trying to adapt their operations to local communities, activities, and ways of life long before COVID-19. The pandemic has hastened the trend of localization by holding people closer to home and imposing restrictions on person and social behaviour that vary greatly between cultures. Because nations, states, and communities are shifting and responding to the crisis in different ways, marketers are mixing international marketing with hyper-local marketing, such as cities in Spain bouncing back at different rates and different states in India reacting differently and differently to COVID. Thus through this critical evaluation, one can clearly observe the marketing trends changing and influencing the companies to adapt and survive, believing in the survival of the fittest.

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Prof. Lavina khilnani-Faculty at Taxila Business School
Author – Prof. Lavina khilnani


A highly dedicated and result-oriented professional with excellent communication skills. Proficient in using an enthusiastic and dynamic teaching technique as a means of creating better learners.

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