Choosing your management program is plainly going to be a vast exercise. Top MBA college rankings work as a material information for potential business school aspirants. These rankings are based on various veritable indicators like Post graduation compensations, placements, academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty, strength of the course, academic excellence and more. These rankings benefit, MBA and PGDM applicants to learn, explore and pick from amongst the top 10 MBA Colleges, so that they are on the right career path.
According to Forbes Business Magazine business schools across the world are recording huge increase in applications for the year 2021.
Taxila Business School
Highest Placement | 28.6 Lakh / PA |
Average Placement | 15 Lakh / PA |
Specialization | Triple Specialization with Business Analytics compulsory. |
Ranking | 10th All India. |
Rating | AAA+ |
In India, based on the prestigious IIRF Vision Ranking, we have narrowed down, 'list of Top mba colleges in India' also called as top 10 MBA colleges in India in general. IIRF rankings hold a lot of value as their surveys are based on authentic documents and evaluation of data, which is further compiled by well-known academicians and judges. Every year IIRF helps millions of school–bound students agree upon their management courses, delivered by a network of more than 1,000 institutions in India.
IIRF applies standardization approach to every parameter that is a deciding factor for a better B-school. Each parameter is then given a weightage, based on which the B-school rankings are arrived at.
Since choosing an mba college is an important step, IIRF ranks assigned to these colleges are based on the following attributes in the given order:
- Placement performance
- Profile of faculty and learning resources
- Reputation of institute and research influence
- Corporate guest visits, industry tie-ups, internships, knowledge transfers
- Alumni support and institute's support for fetching the best jobs for students
- Nurturing centers for start ups
- Institute's intelligibility of its vison and mission
As the 'New Normal' hits in the year 2021, several unanticipated overturns will be seen in near future in terms of academics and course preferences by the prospective Management learners.
Another question that sneaks in while choosing between PGDM courses is to choose between MBA and PGDM. PGDM now seem to be a nod off over admissions in MBA during this hard hitting pandemic of all times, primarily because PGDM programs and curriculums attempt advanced courses that can highlight your resume. Business Schools for MBA programs offer complex theoretical subjects which may stand obsolete in this fast moving real world. PGDM modules have balanced collaborations with experts who keep bridging between industry and academics.
A focus on developing multiple skill sets helps catapulting leadership and managerial abilities that are in demand today. Also PGDM is AICTE controlled, under which very few colleges get the approval to train, while MBA programs are granted approval without much difficulty. Hence there are very less PGDM colleges compared to MBA colleges as against the higher demand of PGDM by the leading corporates. Read more about the difference between mba and pgdm
Here is a list of top 10 MBA colleges in India 2021 as per the IIRF ranking 2021
For the coming academic year, demands for applications and direct admissions in MBA will rise. For a program to be relevant to you, the above summation would help you but the 'fit' factor will make a significant difference. It is inevitable to visit the colleges of your top list and find out if school’s curriculum, style and strengths are in alliance with your visualizations of future. It is important to have a helicopter view and understand that the right fit will take you far beyond your first job and transform you into a better skilled professional.
So, energetically harness this substantial dataset for evolving into a better graduate who has more self-confidence, better communication abilities, and is a promising leader. The list will help you differentiate from your competitors and will make you capable enough to anchor the negotiation in your favor and stay successful during all crisis.