Venue:- Taxila Auditorium
Host:- Team Taxila
Date:- 16th & 17th of Dec 2022
Time:– 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM
Lamhe an Inter-College Fest

Introducing Lamhe an Inter-College fest of Cultural, Sports, and Management events to be held on the 16th and 17th of December 2022 at “Taxila Business School Auditorium”. The term “Lamhe” signifies the moments of participation, struggle, competitiveness, and success which is led by a pool of talented Taxila students.
Lamhe22 is a moment that promises a great opportunity for all the creative, ambitious, and fun-loving future managers and entrepreneurs to exhibit their talents and skills. We are offering you an opportunity to showcase your talent over two days of a mega-event full of fun and friction.
The event will wrack your brains with management games testing your business insight and innovativeness and also the moving tunes and gala time with heaps of Dhoom-Dhadaka, music, and inconceivable fun.
Note:- Participants need to carry their college id card along with a face mask.
General Guidelines
By Participating in Lamhe 2022, the participants agree to
be bound by the following official rules.
1. Registration would be done by the website provided.
2. There are NO registration fees.
3. A student can participate in up to 3 Events.
4. Kindly Go through the Rules and Regulations of the Event thoroughly.
5. Kindly Check the Events Schedule before Registration so that none of the selected events clash.
6. Contact Respective Coordinators, in case of any event-related Query.
7. Judges’ Decision shall be final and binding.
9. Rules may be amended, if found necessary.
10. The winner will be declared after the completion of each event.
11. Prize distribution and valediction ceremony will take place on 17th Dec. 2022 from 6:30 PM.
Day 1
Prashnotree (BQ)
Description- A business quiz is a fun and educative way to test your knowledge and teach you more about business which in turn makes you a better businessman or businesswoman or entrepreneur.
Rules and Regulation:
Round 1:
The very 1st round will be an elimination round. Where in teams will face Rapid fire. Each team will be asked with 10 questions simultaneously. The higher the score, more are your chances to be selected for the next round. The top 5 teams will be selected.
Round 2:
The top 5 teams will contest in the next stage of quiz rounds which will have a general audio- Visual round.
Each team will be given a chance to answer.
25 Questions will be displayed. Top 3 teams with higher score will qualify.
Round 3:
The final round will be played with top 3 teams. The questions will be asked based on general knowledge, business awareness, etc.
1 team with highest score will win.
This is a quiz to both UG & PG students
A team consists of 5 Members.
Team members need not to be from the same institute.
Any number of team can participate from a single institute.
Only Online Registration are allowed.
Note: Any changes in the event are up to the discretion of the organizer.
Sangram – +91 8249752167
Jai Prakash – +91 9729262327
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
An advertisement, otherwise known as an advert or ad, is generally considered a public communication that promotes a product, service, brand or event. To some the definition can be even broader than that, extending to any paid communication designed to inform or influence.
Rules and Regulation:
Round 1:
The teams need to make posters as per the given product.
● Each team must have 3-6 members.
● The members must have their own stationery for making posters.
● Participants should reach the campus by 11 am.
● The posters will be collected at 1 pm and judgment will be made on that basis.
Round 2 :
● Selected teams need to prepare an advertisement on the product they got in the first round.
● Each and every member of the team must participate and marks will be given accordingly.
● The advertisement must be 1 to 2 minutes.
Note :
Participants will be evaluated on the basis of ad concept, creativity, appeal, stage presence & entertainment element
The ads prepared must not contain obscene words and should not hurt the feelings of any culture, society, religion, or caste.
Nipun – +91 8279935206
Yashwanth – +91 8500730040
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Orator Club (Extempore)
The word extemporaneous means “without planning” and is considered a synonym for the word impromptu. However, an extemporaneous speech is actually a well-prepared speech that relies on research, clear organization, and practiced delivery. It is neither read nor memorized, so it is never delivered exactly the same way.
Rules and Regulation:
The speech is intended to reveal a competitor’s ability to develop a point of view
on a general topic and to deliver an impromptu speech within limited preparation time.
The topic shall be given on the spot by the judges.
The judges shall give topics prior to the start of the competition related to the theme.
The contestants shall be given two (2) minutes to prepare and three (3) minutes to deliver.
Participants will not be allowed to take any paper or material with him/her during the speech.
Paper will be provided to make notes about the topic, but they will not be allowed to carry them for the speech.
The contestants are not allowed to have any gadgets.
There will be a 1-point deduction for every 30-second overtime from the respective judges’ total score before determining the rank of the contestants.
The style of the delivery shall be conversational, oratorical or a combination of both.
Judges will be looking for clarity of thought, logical organization, and sincerity.
Dramatic style is considered disqualified.
Use of sound effects, microphones and props is disallowed.
Content, clear organization- 35%, Delivery – 35%
Pronunciation, enunciation, and diction – 20%
Stage Presence (eye contact, poise, personality)- 10%
Sai Bhaskar – +91 8762551662
Ayushi Singh
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Dig It Up (Treasure Hunt)
A game in which players act upon successive clues and are eventually directed to a prize.
Rules and Regulation:
There will be only 12 teams playing the treasure hunt (One team per college).
Each team should have 6 members.
Teams will be eliminated in each successive round as follows:
Round 1 – 12 teams will play, best 8 will survive
Round 2 – 8 teams will, best 4 will survive
Round 3 – 4 teams will play, best 2 will survive
Round 4 Final round – It is mandatory for the teams to perform the tasks in each round successfully before moving on to the next round. Teams should use fair means available to them for solving problems.
You cannot touch other team clues, or else you will be disqualified.
The first team to reach the final treasure will be the winner.
No same riddle Every team will have different riddles every time.
Registration will be on the basis of first come first served as only 12 teams can
Note: Any changes in the event are up to the discretion of the organizer.
Rajat Gandhi – +91 749090 4146
Amit Kumar – +91 7906473775
Deva Pratim Das – +91 8638870384
Ishant Jaiswal – +91 7860841868
Anand Kumar – +91 8340267115
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Table Tennis
Table tennis is a game played inside by two or four people. The
players stand at each end of a table which has a low net across the middle and hit
a small light ball over the net, using small bats.
Rules and Regulation:
Alternate serves every two points
Toss the ball straight up when serving
The serve can land anywhere
A serve that touches the net on the way over is a “let”
Volleys are not allowed
Touching the ball with your paddle hand is allowed
You may not touch the table with your non-paddle hand
An “edge” ball bouncing off the horizontal tabletop surface is good
3 matches of 11 per set for the Qualifying matches
3 matches of 21 per set for semi-finals and finals.
Sanskar Tripathi – +91 8091803521
Shubham K – +91 7903131628
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Description- Futsal is an association football-based game played on a hard court
smaller than a football pitch, and mainly indoors. Each team will have 3 active
players (including the goalkeeper). The Maximum squad size allowed is 5 players.
Rules and Regulation:
Matches will be 2 halves of 7 min each for the initial stages and 10 min each for
finals. 2 min of break will be taken after each half.
Extra time of 3 min will be played in case of a tie after full time. Penalties will
follow if there is no result even after extra time.
Rolling substitutions are allowed.
Kick-ins will be taken instead of throwing underarm when in possession.
The Players are not allowed to hit the ball above the head height. No Punts, No
Rough tackles, otherwise a free kick will be awarded to the opposing team.
Only interceptions, blocks, and clean tackles are allowed.
At free kicks and corners, the opposing team has to maintain a min of 5 yards
away from the ball.
Penalty rule: The ball will be placed at the half line. Only the Penalty kicker is allowed rest
will be behind the ball.
Rules & schedules are subject to change in the spirit of the game and the final
the decision rests with the organizing team of Taxila business school.
Note: Any changes in the event are up to the discretion of the organizer.
Aniket Dhumal – +91 916821 5949
Ankur +91 7908164318
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Ease comes not only from practice but also from concentration and goal for which you are ready so if you have the art of leaving someone behind then leave everyone behind and become famous in the carrom with the incredible LAMHE platform.
Rules and Regulation:
It’s an individual game, not a team game.
4 players for 1 board.
A carrom board and 9 black pieces, 9 white pieces, 1 red piece, and striker.
White coin holds 20 points, Black coins hold 10 points, and red points contain 50 points.
The one who gets more points among the four players will qualify for the next round.
Note: Any changes in the event are up to the discretion of the organizer.
Satyendra – +91 9128850360
Rupam – +91 973230 959
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Nukkad Natak
Nukkad Natak is a drama performed on the streets to create social awareness about many burning topics like family planning, girls education and child labor.
Rules and Regulation:
Two entry per college.
Time limit is 10 -15 minutes. Negative points for exceeding the time limit.
6 -15 members per team are allowed.
Use of mics and make up is strictly not allowed.
No props will be provided. Teams may use props but need to inform the event coordinator beforehand.
Decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Lighting of candles, match sticks and cigarette are strictly not allowed on stage.
No vulgarity allowed in any form.
Judgment Criteria: –
Creativity – 10 Marks Clarity of Message -10
Marks Props- 05 Marks Costume / Dressing – 05
Marks Overall performance -10 Marks Teamwork – 10 Marks
Parth Sharma – +91 6367434097
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Badminton is a Racket sport played using racquets to hit a
shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be played with larger teams, the most
common forms of the game are “singles” (with one player per side) and “doubles”
(with two players per side).
Rules and Regulation:
Team of 2 is only allowed from every college.
At the beginning of the game and when the score is even, the server serves
from the right service court. When it is odd, the server serves from the left
The serve must land on the other half of the ground.
Only one Back service line instead of 2.
The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a
point when their side is serving.
If Players Commit an error in the service court, Then the point will be
awarded to the opposite team.
16 teams allowed every match to be elimination match
1 match of 12 points.
Sides change after 6 points.
Ritik Bhatt – +91 7499049158
Aman Kumar – +91 7 425888959
Siddarth Kaushik – +91 9672166756
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Day 2
Dodgeball is a team sport in which players on two teams try to throw
balls and hit opponents, while avoiding being hit themselves. There are 4 balls,
split into 2 even groups near the ends of the center line. During the opening rush
(when the game starts), you may only grab the balls to your right.
Rules and Regulation:
You step on or over a side-line or centreline.
A thrown live ball hits your body; and
You throw a live ball, and it is caught by an opponent
A thrown live ball can only hit out 1 player. Thrown balls that hit the ground, the
wall, other balls, or other objects before hitting the opponent are considered dead
balls and are ineligible to hit players out.
You may block a thrown ball by catching it. However, if you drop the live ball or
if you fail to make a clean catch and the ball hits the ground or wall or any other
object (as in the thrown ball still ends up hitting or grazing your body afterwards),
you will be eliminated.
If you are out, line up on the side in the order you got out (think of it as being in
an “resurrection” line). If your teammate catches a ball, the player at the start of
your team’s “resurrection” line comes back into play (the teammate must be in the
line at the time of the catch to be eligible to be brought back in).
You can only hold a ball for 10 seconds, post which, it will be considered dead.
Dead balls need to be rolled over immediately to the other team
NO OF PLAYERS IN 1 TEAM 5 (2 substitutes and 3 infield). There
will be 2 substitutes and 3 in-field players out of a team of 5 you can substitute the
players at any moment.
Yuvraj – +91 6377331817
Subhash – +91 9611246300
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Chess is one of the oldest and most popular board games. It is played
by two opponents on a checkered board with specially designed pieces of
contrasting colors, commonly white and black. The objective of the game is to
capture the opponent’s king.
Rules and Regulation:
Standard chess rules will be followed Ena Passant rule not allowed
Each game shall be of 5 mins for each player
The player side will be decided before each match by an unbiased coin toss
In case of a draw, a blitz match of 3 mins shall ensue with the same rules as above
Odd participants of a round shall play with the organizer and can advance on
The last round shall be a round-robin event.
Note: Any changes in the event are up to the discretion of the organizer.
Shreerang – +91 989250 04
Sakshi Kothari
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Singing is the act of creating musical sounds with the voice. A person who sings is called a singer or vocalist (in jazz and/or popular music). Singers perform music (arias, recitatives, songs, etc.) that can be sung with or without accompaniment by musical instruments.
Rules and Regulation:
Time Limit for Group – 8 Minutes, For Solo – 4 Minutes.
The use of karaoke is allowed. Participants can perform with a single instrument only; judgment shall be based on vocal performance.
Exceeding time limits would lead to negative markings.
Solo and group participation is allowed. 2-6 participants are allowed in group singing.
Participants must bring their own instruments if required.
Judgment Criteria:
• Voice quality
• Nodes
• Pitch and lyrics
• Stage presentation
Rameshwar – +91 8237338906
Nitish Kumar
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your
shoes, and dance. At Lamhe, we welcome dance troops to channel their inner
creativity and leave the audience awestruck with their sassiest moves.
Rules and Regulation:
The event comprises round and only one member per team needs to register.
All dance forms are welcomed (like Bollywood, Hip-hop, Jazz, Classical, etc.)
A team can have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 members (including
team members responsible for props, makeup, dress and other accessories)
Team needs to carry their song in a Pen drive and shared with the coordinators
before the event begins. Disobeying this rule will lead to disqualification of the
The time limit of the performance is 4-5 minutes. Exceeding the limit is not
Teams will be judged on their Choreography, Creativity, Costumes, Energy,
Formation, Synchronization.
Usage of props is allowed and must be arranged by the teams
The decision of the judges will be final and binding. The organizing committee
reserves the right to make changes to the rules, which will be informed to the
registered team well before the submission deadline. .
Note: Any changes in the event are up to the discretion of the organizers
Dishani – +91 8697818922
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Laughning Wings (Standup Comedy)
For all the young comedians out there, Taxila is providing a platform to tickle the audience with the best of your comic skills. Be the reason for all the giggles and laughs around and be the best of all.
Rules and Regulation:
It is an individual competition
Participants must register themselves on the due date
Participants can choose their own topic.
our material must be original, if found to be copied from another comic you will be disqualified from the event.
The usage of abusive language is strictly prohibited.
Participants will be judged based on content, fluency, spontaneity, presentation & sense of humor.
No participant can point out any individual or religion in any way, and any dual-meaning obscene content is strictly not allowed.
Negative marking for exceeding time limit.
The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Shekhar – +91 9 097 83 427
Pandurang – +91 8928722201
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.
Glam Street (Fashion Show)
Everyone has his or her own style and this uniqueness is what gives
style the charm. Even if the style is not the latest or the most flamboyant, the
uniqueness will give it a great attraction. Gore Vidal emphasizes, “style is knowing
who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn”.
Rules and Regulation:
No. of Rounds in Total – 3
1st Round- Ramp Walk
2nd Round- Introduction (45 – 60Sec)
3rd Round- Q&A (45 – 60Sec)
Exceeding the time limit will lead to a reduction in the score
Participants will get eliminated at every Round.
Both Hindi and English are allowed.
The Winners will be titled as Mr & Mrs. LAMHE and 1st runner-ups.
Judgment Criteria:
• Attire
• Confidence
• Communication/Question Handling
• Creativity
• Stage Presentation
Aarushi +91 8094657997
Note:- Online registration is the preferred mode of entry.
Offline registrations will be considered only in case of space availability.