How can I get promoted quickly | Get fast promotion | Fast career growth
Taxila Business School

How can I get promoted quickly?

The research has been done at Taxila Business School with a sample size of app 900 people who got out of the turn promotions year after year. The techniques used by these highly paid and very successful people in the corporate world to get more salary and bonus for the jobs they do and get promoted quickly to upper levels of power and responsibility are revealed here. If you start them for yourself you may put your career on the fast track. One can make three to four times more progress than the average person.

Here are some ways to take the rights steps:

  • Choose the fast-growing sector:

  • One can make faster growth on getting paid higher and getting promoted quickly in a few years in a fast-growing sector than one might in six to seven in a slow-growing sector.
    First of all, identify the fast-growing sector. The find out the best five or six companies in that sector which are growing better than others in the same sector. The fact is 20% of companies make 80 % of the total business and profits in the same sector. The reason for their high profits is better vision and efficient leadership. These companies use better technology and products and are customer-oriented. Probably these top 20% of companies are the place where you need to find a job.

  • Handle the boss correctly and carefully:

    It may not be possible to choose the boss but if by any chance you get the choice to choose the boss, choose the one who has proved himself in the industry better than his/her counterparts. Your growth is directly linked to the growth of your boss. Your boss is going to have a big impact on your promotions, on your salary, on your bonus, on your responsibilities, and on your daily life.

    Generally, you will not get the choice to choose your boss. Here your role becomes major and crucial. You need to create trust with your boss. You need to respect him/her more than anything else. Take his guidance and prove your worth. Your boss can make or mar your career.

  • Have a Positive Attitude:

  • Across the globe, researchers tell that a positive, happy, smiling person is more likely to be paid better and promoted faster. This type of person is frequently noticed by seniors who can fast-track his or her career. The positive people are supported by his or her co-workers and staff. There is always an upward pressure from his or her peers that pushes a positive person frontward at a faster rate.

    The precarious element of a positive attitude is how well you function under stress. Most of us are positive when things are going in the right direction. But in adverse conditions when you face difficulties, how you demonstrate to yourself and to others what you are really made of. The people with a positive attitude look for the good in everyone and in every situation. He gazes for something positive and entertaining. Positive people are productive rather than destructive. The positive attitude is somewhat that you can learn by performing it, every day, particularly when it is most required.

    It is completely wonderful how many people are held back, year after year since no one has ever taken them separately and told them how important their external appearance is to getting paid what they are truly worthy of.
    The important rule is, you should always dress for success in your organization. Look at the people at the helm in your sector. Look at the top people in your organization. Look at the pictures in media and in magazines of the men and women who are being promoted to positions of higher accountability and pay. Design yourself after the leaders, not the followers.

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  • Reach Early, Work Harder, and Stay Later:

  • Create a workaholic attitude. Create a reputation as a hard worker. One can’t deny hard work as the most important tool to get promoted quickly. This will get you in the attention of important people in your work life faster, and you get a reputation as a hard, hard worker.

    People know the hard workers in every company directly or indirectly. The hard-working people are always the most appreciated in the organization. They are all the times paid higher and promoted faster for a very modest reason: They are more useful and innovative. They get extra work completed in a smaller period of time. They are most respected in the company. They set a good example and are the type of people whom bosses are proud of and want to retain them more than anyone else.

    The unwritten law is that just two additional hours of work each day are all you indeed need to invest to become one of the most successful people of your age bracket. One may get these extra two hours by coming in an hour earlier and staying an hour later. This will expand your day a little bit but will expand your career extremely.

    The topmost people in every sector work more hours than normal people. In fact, the top 10 percent of money-earners in India work 85 hours per week. In addition, remember that they work all the time they are on the job. They don’t waste time. When they arrive at work early, they instantly start in on important tasks.

    This should be your goal as well. Work all the time you are at work. Don’t play games on the computer, make personal phone calls, read the newspaper, or chat about the latest cricket game or television serial. The mediocre person in the office works at less than 50% of the ability. About 10% of employees in fact work the whole time. Most of them work somewhere below their potential, in most cases far, far below.

  • Push to the Front:

  • One of the most vital ways to come out ahead is for you to frequently ask for more responsibility. Volunteer for every task. See your boss at least once every week and ask him or her for more responsibility.
    Most people in the corporate world do only what is asked of them. But this should not be for you. You should continuously keep asking for more, and, each time you are given a new responsibility, accomplish it quickly and well.
    Important: You need to create a reputation for being the type of person who is given the responsibility at any time someone wants to get something done urgently.

    Do you want a quick promotion? Getting one is very much under your control. Generally, you move towards a promotion every time you get a new assignment. You will ultimately rise to the level of the responsibility you are willing to accept. There are no limits. There are fewer things more important in helping you get paid what you really deserve than for you to create a reputation for rapidity and trustworthiness. Be the type of person your boss can count on to get the job done fast.

  • Be friendly to HR:

  • A good link in the Human Resource department may be your ticket to stealing a promotion. Having an informer in HR who may inform you of new job openings gets you an edge over your co-workers.
    Invite the person to lunch to start creating a bond. Once you’ve established a relationship, your informer may even be able to tell you about promotion chances in other departments. HR people know what’s happening across the company.

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  • Request for What You Want:

  • This is one of the very vital success code you will ever know to help put your career onto the fast track. The success goes to the demanders. The success does not go to those people who sit back, wishing and expecting that their lives and their work will become better. The success goes to those people who step up and ask for what they want. If you don’t get it, ask again and again till they do.
    Ask your boss what you have to do to be eligible for an increase in salary. It’s useless to work hard if you don’t know exactly what it is that you have to do to get paid more and promoted quickly. Transparency is needed. Meet your boss and ask, and ask again if you are still not understood.
    If you want a salary increase, you must demand it. Ask this by creating a case, as a lawyer would build a case, for your getting the amount that you want to receive. As an alternative to saying that you need more money, as most people do, you need to have a different policy. You may compose a list of the work that you are now doing and the extra skills you have gained. Show the financial effect of your work on the total operations of the organization and the impact that you are making as a top employee.
    Present this data to your boss, in writing, and explain to him/ her that, based on all of this, you would like an increase in a specific amount of money. In most of the cases, you will get the increase merely by requesting for it in an intelligent way. In a few cases, you might get less than you requested. If this occurs, ask what you will have to do to get the rest of the increase that you requested for.

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If the demand for an increase is not accepted, ask precisely what you will have to do to get the increase you demanded at a later date and precisely when that increase will be allocated. Be exact! Be clear! And never be scared to demanding a hike!

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