Prof. Lavina khilnani
- Highly dedicated and result oriented professional with excellent communication skills. Proficient in using an enthusiastic and dynamic teaching technique as a means of creating better learners.
- Experienced in teaching a wide range of subjects in HR and marketing. Having rich experience not only in academics but also in organizing fests and events.
Program/Course |
Ph.D (pursuing) |
B.Com |
- FMS MAIET, Jaipur, from June 2006 to June 2010.
- International College For Girls, Jaipur, from April 2005 to May 2006.
- India International School , Jaipur, from April 2002 to January 2005.
- The research paper published in The International Journal of Management and IT, OORJA on the topic "Indian Retail Industry: Opportunities, Challenges, and Strategies to sustain in Global Environment."
- Research paper presented and confirmed for publication in IIM Indore, Indore Management Journal for 2020 issue.(Reinventing Performance Management for Inclusion and Innovation- An Analysis of IT and ITES sector of India)
- Research paper presented and published in SKIT research Journal, VOLUME 9, ISSUE 2:2019(A Study of key strategic HR issues in IT and Banking Industry in India)
- Research paper presented and published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management and Social Science VOl 2,No. 3 September,2019(Marketing Strategies for Female consumers in India: A study of Female Psychology and Behaviour in the Indian Market)
- A chapter published in the book Ethical issues in modern economies with ISBN 978-93-80907-16-1(Ethical Issues in Indian Hotel Industry: Perception of Employees and Management)
- Research paper submitted and presented at an international conference on "Management, Business & Economy (ICMBE)" on the topic "A study of key strategic HR issues in IT and Banking Industry in India" organized by Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology Management & Gramothan, Jaipur.
- Research paper presented and confirmed for publication in IIM Indore, Indore Management Journal for 2020 issue. (Reinventing Performance Management for Inclusion and Innovation- An Analysis of IT and ITES sector of India)
- Research paper presented and published in SKIT research Journal; VOLUME 9:ISSUE 2:2019(A Study of key strategic HR issues in IT and Banking Industry in India)
- Research paper presented and published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management and Social Science VOl 2,No. 3 September 2019(Marketing Strategies for Female consumers in India: A Study of Female Psychology and Behaviour in the Indian Market)
- A chapter published in the book Ethical issues in modern economies with ISBN 978-93-80907-16-1(Ethical Issues in Indian Hotel Industry: Perception of Employees and Management)
- Research paper published in Oorja, the Journal of Management and IT (Indian Retail Industry: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies to sustain in Global Environment)
- Marketing and HR

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