ALEXANDER? Was He ‘Alexander the Great’ or A...............?????

ALEXANDER? Was He ‘Alexander the Great’ or A...............?????

Hey there, all I have heard since my birth is that Alexander the great, but was he?

no one ever marked that he was a very selfish king or a leader. All that he conquered was done by the means of killing and snatching. He was victorious of course but at the cost of the life of millions. All that he wanted was to safeguard his life and take others.

I came to know about the reason why he came to India. though he was very young to die but never had a desire to taste a bit of it. Alexander came to know that India is rich in monks. All that Alexander wanted was to be Immortal at any cost. so, he decided to go to India in search of a monk who could tell him how could he be immortal. he sends a troop from his army to India in order for verification. they came and saw a monk sitting beneath a tree just covered with a shade of cloth to his body. they notified him and said” **Hey, we are troops of Alexander, we have come to take you with us. Let’s go “. **The monk saw them and said, I Am not going anywhere. the troops showed him the sword and angrily said, it’s an order from Sikandar, you have to come with us or we have to put your head away from your body.

The monk replied,” you can take my head with you. I have done everything which I was meant for. this head will have no wisdom or intelligence if I die. “. the troops were shocked and thought, how could he be immortal or show the path, he is fearless and can die any moment he wishes to. later they pleaded and the monk replied, asking him to be there. the troops went and shared the message with alexander. he agreed upon coming to India. later he met that monk sitting on the horse and saying now tell me how to be immortal. the monk laughed and replied, first get off from this less intelligent animal. he agreed and patiently asked him. the monk showed him the path and gave him the destination points. the great agreed to that and decided to go for it. the monk said that you have to go through these tough places and then in the 4th place you will find a cave in which a bowl of clear freshwater was kept. and the great started his journey. all the three destinations were covered by him and were the exact replica of what the monk explained. ‘The Great’ was happy. later he realized, that with his troops he can’t go to the final destination because he wanted only himself to be immortal. he decided to land alone on the final pathway. yes, he was there. he saw the cave and the bowl too. he was about to take the sip out of it but was paused by a crow sitting by his side. the crow said,” I remember that foolish day when I sipped this, and today it’s been centuries, I am unable to die peacefully. alexander thought about it and decided not to have it. thanks to the all mighty that he decided not to have that hahaha. this was the only intelligent thing that alexander did in his long emotionless life.

MORAL: you may be greedy to live peacefully but should also accept the fact that we have to die a day {PEACEFULLY}

Source of the story: A story narrated by Sadhguru in one of his interviews when asked about Alexander, available on youtube.

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