SPARDHA at TAXILA : From Peer Competition to Peer Cooperation

SPARDHA at TAXILA : From Peer Competition to Peer Cooperation

Spardha at Taxila is an initiative to promote peer competition among the students. The event is organized every year as a part of their course curriculum. The event encourages peer competitionamong the students of Taxila, where they have to perform on the stage for a topic. Such events increase peer cooperation at the psychological level resulting in a better learning environment in the school. Very recently, on the 2nd of May, 2022, Spardha T26 the eventwas organized for the batch T26. Following was the sequence of activities for ‘Spardha T26’ :

  • The whole batch was divided into groups of two (and only two).
  • Topics (based on relevant management learning) were selected by the coordinators of the activity.
  • The students were supposed to come on stage in a group of two and pick one chit out of the preannounced topics.
  • The group got 30 seconds to decide whether to go for a debate or a deicussion or just a presentation of the topic is to be given.
  • Then the 6 minutes performance started.
  • Out of the two students one gets a ‘0’ or a ‘100’, meaning one of them is a loser and the other is the winner.
  • Each of the winners will be awarded a certificate based on their performance.

Such ‘Peer competition’ activities promote social interaction, which benefits all the members of the group. Healthy and strong peer relations contribute to a student’s social, emotional and overall development. SPARDHA enables the process of competitive peer interaction. This will motivate the individual student to conduct self-evaluation and taking decisions for potential evaluations in the competition. The event aims at establishing the path of growth and development for the students in the areas of public speaking, content development, and confident communication.

Later the event may be open to Non-Taxilians also. Cheers!!!!

Dr. Alka Jain-Faculty at Taxila Business School
Event Organizer - Dr. Alka Jain


Willing to benefit the society and economy with her dual experience in corporate and academic fields. Her academic experience in the northern and southern parts of the country familiarizes students with cases from both the economies of the country.

Taxila Business School

Highest Placement 28.6 Lakh / PA
Average Placement 15 Lakh / PA
Specialization Triple Specialization with Business Analytics compulsory.
Ranking 10th All India.
Rating AAA+
Taxila Business School