The River: A Journey or Transformation

THE RIVER: A Journey or Transformation

From beyond the farthest far horizon
From beneath the rising sun
Trembling in fear, the river came
For the sea with its absurd lay before it
Galloping waves
Foaming maws of the torrent
Neighed back at her, like a hungry Equus*
Poised to kick at her, like an angry Equus*
Killer whales
With instruments of death in their maws
Stared back at her, as if she was dessert
Sniffed at her, as if in need of a quick bite
But there is no way back
She cannot go back
Nobody can go back
To go back is impossible, even for Samurai Jack
So she went before morrow
Her fear disappeared….
As soon as she realized
She was the sea now

Austin Thomas Chakkunny-Faculty at Taxila 
                          Business School
Author: Austin Thomas Chakkunny

Student(Batch T-24)

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